Monday, 29 November 2010

Christmas Ideas

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Marinestore News...
Seasonal Stuff (and the result of the 'tash)

Every home really should have one.

The real McCoy all the way from France

Better this than the real thing with this weather

For clumsy types like me, beer proof too

Had a set of these for 20 years, still going strong

These are great, tea towels that are education and functional
Tea Towels, a great selection £4.99

There's some classy, insulting titles here!
"knackered Sailor?"

These are superb pictures, a great gift - real boats (allegedly)

We've just introduced these - OK, not brilliant timing but...

Every boat should have one. These are great.
Blundell plotter kit £17.99

You probably won't do better for the money!

Not sure about this myself but it apparently works just fine

World famous. nothing more needs to be said

This'll give you hangover measures! Very nicely finished

I try and avoid mirrors these days (see below!)...
Porthole Mirror, a few sizes £39.99

Could be seen as twee but in an ironic way
Welcome Aboard mat £6.95

Pirate mug

Plimsoll Line Whisk(e)y Glass £4.99

Thanks ever so much to those kind souls who made a donation, every penny counts. So far you've managed to raise more than £1000 and for that mucho gracias! It's not too late to donate and this is the link: and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account. Here's the unfortunate evidence, it's hard to see because it's a sort of gingery grey and is very sparse, a bit like a lawn in August only not so appealing...


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Maldon Chandlery Ltd
t/a Marinestore.

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