Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Sale Starts

MarineStore News...
Bringing the Boat
Show to your computer!
Maintenance - time to get started: It's
not long now until the season starts in earnest, in eight weeks
time you could be out and about doing what you enjoy most, whatever that may be. For those of you who may have skimped on the laying up, you should get out there and do penance in the form of greasing seacocks and wheel bearings, seeing if your battery has made it through
the winter and to check all the cold water system to see if anything has parted due to frost. You can't beat a bit of preventative maintenance to save cash in the long run.

Antifouling: Every
year we say the same thing (apply it properly) and get the same response from certain boat owners (it don't work) ... Antifoul needs to be applied correctly for it to work,
even the cheap stuff. There are very few reasons for antifoul not to work, these are: incorrect mixing, wrong type for the area, incorrect application. The antifoul manufacturers
don't to go to all the effort of formulating something fairly evil and then write detailed instructions just to have them ignored.

If you want to apply antifoul, look around to see what other people are using and temper the choice to suit the type of boating you do. If you have a boat in a mud berth and go ditch crawling every other weekend or so, you'll be wasting money on a high tech product, it's really horses for courses here.

Electrical Connections:
Have you checked the state of your wiring recently. This is the
Cinderella of the salt water world. Copper and damp, especially salt laden damp are not good bedfellows, the copper will oxidise (green and crumbly) and eventually the circuit will fail. It's always good to used tinned copper wire on board, it's more expensive but it will survive better. And if you have the green connection problem, it is probably
already migrating up the wire.
The Blatant Sales Pitch: The MarineStore sale is now well under way. Don't forget that you can save an additional 15% off of the already discounted prices by using code BL10 at the checkout. This means that MUSTO, HENRI LLOYD
and Gill are a minimum of
25% off at the moment. That's a decent saving!

We have a really good offer on some Seajet antifoul right now. Seajet are one of the unsung heroes of the
antifouling world, they have great products and small marketing budgets
which keeps their prices keen. We have on offer now on the Seajet Basic Self Polishing antifoul. We don't have a clue why they call it basic because it isn't.
It's good stuff and it's £59.99 for 3.5 litres, less of course your Boat Show Sale discount of 15%, it's yours for just over

Coverage 0f 8.7 square
metres per litre, that's over 30 square metres per tin.

IS BL10, don't forget to enter it at the checkout


Maldon Chandlery Ltd
t/a Marinestore.

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Registered office 90 High St CO9 5AA.VAT reg GB 637 0887 13

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